
One of my favorite Disney characters is Peter Pan. It was something alluring about going to a distant land where you never aged. All of your friends became your family, and the common goal was to defeat Hook and protect Neverland. Peter built an amazing relationship with Tinker Bell and she taught him how to fly, and to treat life as the adventure it was. I apply those same rules to my everyday life. To me I am forever young; I only get better with time and I never get old. I treat each day like it’s my last, and I am grateful for everything the universe has bestowed upon me. Life has been good to me and it is forever changing just as I like it. I have come across a few Tinker Bells that have guided me, showed me how to fly and enjoy the beauty that life provides every day I awake.

This world can get crazy at times, there’s so much pain and anger in the air. Sometimes just like Peter, you have to go to another world to maintain your sanity. I have found different ways to travel to worlds that bring me solace when the world doesn't add up to the paradise that I know it can be. I use music as a gateway to always get me to my happy thoughts. I read books that inspire me and allow me to manifest greatness within my mind. Being that I take full accountability of my life, I have to find vices that allow me to be balanced everyday my creator, and the Universe allows me to wake up. My goal while I'm on this planet is to evolve into my highest self and learn the secrets and mysteries that come along with this world. Every day is a new adventure. This Earth experiment is pretty amazing when you think about it. Our driving force is our spirit, and it is never born and never dies. So your time spent on earth is a journey where you can grow into becoming your best God like self. It might take you 10 lifetimes to accomplish this goal but it doesn't matter how long it takes as long as you do it. Heaven and Hell are distractions to stop you from being your best in this very moment. Why would you have to wait for paradise, you can create that right now. If you can't create heaven on Earth, you damn sure won't be able to it when you die. I don't believe it goes like that; we have the potential to do anything as long as we believe so. Your imagination is the key to open the door of success. Before you can do anything you have to manifest it in your mind. Society creates fear in people, and that fear ends with you becoming complacent. If you want to change your life then you have to change your mind set.

One thing to remember from the Peter Pan story is that he needed a little help from fairy dust, and he had to hold on to a happy thoughts or he would fall out the sky. That's just how life is, if you want success at anything, you, first, have to train your mind to think positive at all times regardless of what your circumstance. Being optimistic the majority of the time will get you to what your heart desires 9 out of 10 times. One of the humanity’s  most serious problem is fear; it could be fear of dying, fear of going to work, fear of somebody you love dying, fear of losing your job, there are many fears that people carry with them every day. The only thing that can abolish fear is preparation and in this world the best way to be prepared is to rely on spirit to work its magic. Spirit can get you through any problem, regardless of what the problem is. Spirit can always lead you to a solution but you have to work toward perfection, you don't just become perfect in this physical world. Stop selling yourself short and find a way to manifest your dreams into your head, turn them into goals and then realities. I don't know what exists after you die and to be honest, it shouldn't matter. There is something called karma and it basically means that whatever type of energy you put out into the world is the same type of energy you get back. So I would assume that heaven follows the same guidelines; if you want heaven, you have to create it now, while you’re alive.