Being Koolforlife is being the complete product of yourself.
It is understanding who you are, no matter where you are. Being Koolforlife means that you can never be defined. Being Koolforlife is your personal understanding with God that you will be yourself no matter what. Being Koolforlife means you look adversity in the face with a smile. Being Koolforlife means you only change for the better never for the worst.
Koolforlife is a lifestyle that represents the pure at heart, and all those who are determined to turn the dreams in their heads into a reality. Koolforlife is a symbol for all the people in the World that were put here to change it.
Koolforlife means that you are the one that controls whether you succeed or fail. You are the one that controls whether you’re happy or sad. The reason I am Koolforlife is because I have a personal understanding with God that if I put my mind to something, anything is possible. Success is my only option because failing, which is a figment of our imaginations and is worse than dying. I am Koolforlife because my purpose exceeds my actual being.
The reason I created Koolforlife was to help bring people together, it doesn’t matter what the color of your skin is, your gender doesn't matter, and neither does what you personally believe in. We are all people with spirits and we all should treat one another equally. Koolforlife represents all the people that know that this world can be better, but the only way we make it better is if we do it ourselves. You see they can only control the mass population if you divide the population. If we all stood together as one we would literally control the world. Love will set you free and it will be our liberation. Koolforlife means you won’t stand for inequality, you won’t stand for injustice, you won't allow pain and defeat to enter your heart. At 29 the best quote to describe me is that I know enough to know I don’t know too much. But what I do know is that we were all created to be great, not just some of us but all of us, and if not in this lifetime maybe in the next. Spirit is what keeps you connected to the source that created you, that same source allows us to manifest anything we can create through our will. So if we really want to make the world better we need to take accountability for the parts we play in all the things that are wrong with the world and collectively make it better together. In order to do that we must have a “pay it forward” way of thinking.
Eventually, I will build Koolforlife into an organization that will help young adults better their lives and get them ready for the future. In return from each young person I help, the one request that I make, is that they find someone in their lives and help them with something that they cannot do solely by themselves. When you help this person accomplish this goal you teach them to “pay it forward”. This creates a system of people helping people. If you dance along with the universe it will dance back with you. We were created to connect and respect, and live among each other in peace and harmony. If we treat one another better then maybe the world will start to get better. People are so quick to blame the devil for all the things that are wrong in this world, they give credit to the God they believe in for all the good things in their life. But how about we take more accountability for the world we have created on our own. God didn’t create slavery, oppression, God doesn’t condone violence rape, murder, and God didn’t take control of the resources and only allow a certain percentage of people to enjoy those resources. Mankind did this, we are the reason the world is the way it is. Koolforlife represents the people that are ready for the world to change and are willing to do anything to see that thought become a reality.