Where do we go from here?
How Do recreate Black Wall Street?
On this episode of Young, Gifited and Black we talked about Black wall street and how Black people can recreate that model. My guest were Brent Benjamin and Rob Newman. We really had an amazing conversation and I look forward to you watching this episode.
Is your imagination your super power or is it your Kryptonite.
In this episode of Young, Gifited and Black we talked how it's important to use your imagination in a positive way as an adult. We also talked about how your imagination can work against you. Shout out to Maddox and Courtney for being my guest on my last episode of 2019.
Why does Colin Kapernick still not have a job in the NFL.
On this episode of Young, Gifited and Black the topic was about the consequences that come with standing up for something that's bigger then yourself. Colin Kapernick decided to speak on injustice and police brutality within the Black community. I want to thank Holmes and Canlisten for being my guest.
You don't need to be saved.
In this episode in Young, Gifited and Black we talked about religion vs spirituality. I want to thank Muchael Thompson, Shinuah, Brent and Curt for being my guest. We had an amazing conversation and I look forward to hearing what you think.
Health is Wealth
How can we rebuild our community
Black Love
On this episode of Young, Gifited and Black I wanted to talk about how people of color can reshape and rebuild their community. I want to thank Ashely, Jahliel, and Vincent for being my guest. We had a great conversation and I really enjoyed this episode.
Black Economics
On this episode of Young, Gifited and Black I wanted to talk about how people of color should get back to controlling their economics. This also means controlling the economics within their own community as well. I want to thank Dray and Lamel for being my guest, we had a great conversation.
Turning a Negative into a Positive!!
The Life and Times of an Entrepreneur
Put Yourself On
Take Control Over Your Mental Health!
How will you play your part in changing the world?
How To Overcome Adversity
In this episode of YGB, we talk about the importance of starting your own business and buying property within the Black community. Shout out to Darnail and Teak for being my guest and sharing their experiences.
Young, Gifted & Black - Episode 9
On this episode of YGB my Guest were Monica and Melody who are the founders of HNTT productions. I had a great time talking to these young Queens on how we are all playing our part in pushing the culture forward.
Young, Gifted & Black - Episode 8
Are you playing your part in making the world better for the next generation?
Young, Gifted & Black - Episode 7
The more we Kill each other, the more we will continue to kill ourselves