The best way to find God is to find the love inside your heart

Let me make this clear. I love all people that have a spirit and I pray that one day we can all treat each other as equals and always come from a space of love. Honestly it doesn’t matter what your skin color is, what religion you choose, what your gender is. What matters is that you always come from a space of love, empathy, and that you treat all people the way you would want to be treated. There are so many systems put in place to make sure we don’t connect with each other. Society uses your gender, religion, and your race to stop you from connecting to one another. Imagine if every person in this world came from a space of love and looked out for one another no matter where you lived or how you looked. Imagine if we all decided to be our best God-like selves. We could change this world; you could end violence, racism, oppression, and poverty. I think if we focused more on creating heaven on earth we would reach that goal faster than waiting to die and standing in front of a gate so somebody can let you into heaven. If you want to get into heaven then you have to create your paradise while you’re alive. We sell ourselves short and we lost sight of taking accountability over our own destiny. You might not agree with this next statement but you can’t be saved by anybody but yourself. Our creator gave us all the tools needed to be our best self. We give the devil too much credit; to be honest I don’t believe in the devil. I believe that you can be your best or your worst self but the ball is in your court. You see, if we took accountability for ourselves then we would be forced to face the truth. The truth is that mankind has been responsible for the fall of people. This has nothing to do with one person eating an apple which then led to us being sinners. That story takes away your accountability and makes you think that somebody has control over your faith. That’s not the case at all, you are responsible for whether you succeed or fail. You are responsible whether you are happy or sad. In order for this world to get better for all people, we have to remember that we control our own destiny. I look at God in this perspective. When you have children, a good parent makes sure that their children has everything that they need to make it in life. So you help your child do well in school, you teach them how to make it in the world to the best of your ability. You help them with money and do whatever you can to make sure that when your child grows up and becomes an adult that they have all the tools needed to be their best self. That’s the same thing God or our creator wants for us. God has given us all the tools to be our best self but it’s up to us to do so. I don’t believe in sin because I don’t believe our creator would create a system that would eventually with a certain amount of sins lead to you going to hell. That doesn’t make any sense. I believe that if you have a spirit then your goal is to evolve into your highest self and then walk with your creator to become a beacon of light, the kind of light like the stars in the sky. Racism is a distraction, TV is a distraction, artificial food is a distraction, hate is a distraction, religion is a distraction, drugs are a distraction, jail is the new slavery, and the wrong music is a distraction.

It has been scientifically proven that there is only one race that exist everything else is a man-made idea used to divide and conquer millions of people. It's amazing how we live in a world where people profit billions of dollars yet, poverty still exist. I believe the real hell is the mental prison you build for yourself. It's sad that so many people are content with the state of this world. It feels like we are living in hell now. It's so much hate in the world; people are killing one another, stealing from one another, and talking negative about one another. We turn stereotypes into realities and then blame society for racism. The more I empower myself with knowledge I see that mankind has become its biggest problem. If we want change then it starts with you opening up your mind and your heart. As Dr. King said, do not judge people on the color of their skin, yet on the content of their character. Hate is what will destroy this world; love is what will save it. If billions of people stuck together we could change the world quicker than you think. I pray that this piece brings love to your heart, if it does do the same for another person, and then give them the same instructions. That's how you make the world better; you create an environment of people that pay it forward in a positive way.