Koolforlife is an extension of my soul and I created this company to connect people through love, unity and knowledge of self. God is an entity that exist in all of us, it's like our creator is our power source. Without God we wouldn't be able to exist and I understand that. Koolforlife represents all the people that were sent here to change the world. Koolforlife represents all the people that have peeled through the layers of their self and found their best self. Experience has taught me that we are truly created in God’s image. As I peeled through the layers of myself I found that the light that exist inside me can get me through anything. I find that the deeper I dig inside myself the more I see that my Creator, the universe and the world is working with me, never against me. Koolforlife represents equality for all, Koolforlife represents even wages for both genders. Koolforlife is against both racism and institutionalized racism. Koolforlife is not a saying, or a name, Koolforlife is a lifestyle and a way of living.
When we are born as babies we are happy, joyful, and full of imagination and energy. As we get older the food we eat drain us. The hate we are taught blocks us from hearing our spirit. The media influences our judgment and makes us use stereotypes as a way to identify with other nationalities that we have never been around. This world is not supposed to be like this, I think the human race has lost their way, but that's ok because that's why I created Koolforlife. I created this company to bring people together through spirit and love. As we come together we will see that we share some of the same problems and we are not as different as they lead us to believe. I believe the only thing any human being should be bound by is love. The power for change and progression belongs to the people, we the people just have to remember that the power lies within us. If the people wanted we could end poverty across the world. If the people wanted to end homelessness problem across the world we could. If people decided that war wasn't a good way to resolve our issues we could come up with a more peaceful way. If people decided that there are enough resources for all, then millions of people would have access to better resources and truly have an opportunity to make something of themselves.
People have been convinced that the government, the police, and these billion dollar corporations have the power but that's a lie. People of color have been crucified around the world for the last 500 years, this society convinced an entire nation to hate people based on their skin color. People of color decided that we wouldn't let our faith rest in the hands of the people that oppressed us, so we did something about it. We fought back, we protested, we spoke up and we stuck together. I read this quote that noted, ‘The illiterate of the 21st century won't be those that can't read and write. The illiterate of the 21st century we be those who can't learn and unlearn.’ People of color convinced the mass majority of the same people that hated them to love them and see them as the human beings that we always were. This shows you where the power lies, it belongs to the people. At one point people like me were being hung, couldn't eat in certain places. Not too long ago people that looked like me were deemed to be inferior and 3/5's of a man. Not too long ago people like me couldn't vote, not too long ago people like me were slaves. You take a group of people and bring them to a place where you turned an entire nationality into slaves just so you could get free labor and still through all the turmoil my people rise. We have interconnected with every nationality that's on this planet and we were never the minority, we will forever be the majority.
I will end this by saying that we can do great things as a race United as human beings. If we continue to let hate and negativity run the world it will lead to the destruction of all of us. Love, unity, and a shift of consciousness is the only thing that will change this world. The power lies within us all, together we can do anything, divided we will be conquered.