Good Vibrations & High Frequencies

I was watching this Abraham Hicks speech on YouTube and I swear it open my soul. I'm going to try how to explain to you. Let's start here: You are responsible for how your life turns out. So that's means if good happens to you are the one responsible for good happening to you. If bad things happen to you, you are responsible for the bad things as well. What you may not be reading is that we are spiritual beings. It’s the falsities allow you to automatically represent yourself as being separate from the Supreme Being’s infinite energy. Spirit allows you to represent yourself through vibration and frequency. That means depending on your thoughts and energy, you can attract both good and negative things into your life. Please understand what I'm saying. Our Creator crafted us to be fully dependent on ourselves and each other. God nor the Devil controls what happens on this Earth. People control what happens and if people would take more accountability over their lives then we would really be able to bring a shift of consciousness to billions.

The problem is society realizes that the only way you can control billions of people is through religion, racism, classism, and oppression. Religion divides people. It makes it easy for you to deceive and distract on issues that matter. Racism makes you judge a person based on their race instead of the content of their character. That within itself separates people. Classism provides the most dangerous form of oppression which is marginalization. You only have extreme wealth because you have extreme poverty. This system is called capitalism. In order for you to exploit people you need a large pool of people that are unaware of their greatness and end up becoming slaves to the very dollar you work for everyday.

So now that I got that out of the way… let’s get back to vibration and frequency. You are the core result of what you think and feel. That means that if you can't control your mind and your thoughts, you will never be able to control your life and your reality. Sorry to tell you this but you can't be saved, and somebody can't die for your sins. If you want heaven then I suggest you work on creating it on Earth, because if you can't, you won't be able to create it when you die. I'm going to tell you the secret to success and if you listen to me I assure you that you can do anything your heart desires. If you want to be successful at anything in life then this is how you do it. Success at anything comes with its own particular vibration and frequency. This means that you have to match the vibration to whatever it is that you are asking the universe for. The bill for success has to be paid in full; there is no installment plan for success. Most fall short of their greatness because they get distracted by society. So your next question probably is, how do you control your vibration and your frequency? You can only focus on the things that you want to manifest into reality. So that means once you create the thought, you have maintain a positive mindset until you turn that thought into a goal and then a reality. It's like if you had a garden, first you turn over the dirt, then you plant your seeds and you take care of your garden. You keep the weeds out, you put up scarecrows for the birds and you water your garden. In time, that thought of that beautiful garden you imagined becomes a reality. Sounds simple, right? One thing to remember, maintaining a garden is not easy just like maintaining your thoughts are not easy. But if you can figure a way to keep a positive perspective while you create your destiny, you can do anything your mind can come up with. Just remember that when that bill of success comes in the mail be ready to pay in full, there are no installment plans with your dreams. Namaste to all, if you want more on what I'm talking about in the piece, research Abraham Hicks on YouTube, she explains vibration and frequency a lot better then me, I'm just steering you in the right direction.