Blank Canvas

     It has been scientifically proven that their is only one race and that's the human race. How we identify with ourselves is really up to us. Society has taught us what happens when you focus on a person's skin color more than the characteristics that really make up that person. Millions of people that look like me have died because of the perception of another person. Slavery was created by people. Racism was created by people, oppression was created by people. So if all these systems that are in place were created by people, like you and me, why can't likeminded people create a system that ends poverty and oppression for all. One of my good friends told me that we were gods of our own perception and reality. I believe that statement is true and this world can only change for the better if all the people collectively change and evolve with it. Much of the success of the wealthiest people in this world have come from all the hard work of millions of people that look like me. The first stock in this country was people that look like me. Extreme wealth can only exist hand in hand with extreme poverty. It can't be one without the other. That's why capitalism works so well in this country. In order for capitalism to really work you need a small amount of people that have and you need a large pool of people that don't have. Then you exploit the people that don't have until you have millions and billions of dollars in profit. You see the United States is ran by banks and corporations. For example, the Federal Reserve has private and public components to serve the interests of both private banks and the general public. These corporations spend billions of dollars to keep poor people poor. You know why because no matter how tall the building is without a bottom it's impossible for it to be a top. This country has benefited off the demise of my people since the inception of it. It has and will never be apart of America to take the demographic of people that they brought here for trade and slavery purposes to now give you the resources needed so you can be fully dependent on self. You see people think slavery ended in 1865 but it didn't. The same people that came up with slavery, came up with a plan to make everybody slaves except for the small amount of people that are wealthy. You see it's not just Black people now, it's Mexicans, it's white people, it's Latino people, it doesn't matter what your nationality is. They have made money, "the new cotton", and they have us all in the fields picking that cotton. To the point people are forgetting to live, and love one another. Instead, the only thing that matters is going to work so that you can make it. This dream that America sold us is not adding up.

Our creator didn't intend for us to be slaves to anything. We were created to be bound by one thing and that's love. I can't speak for anything else. This government is working against the people. This education system is working against the people, religion is working against the people. Look around - people are dying everywhere. Cops are killing people like it's some type of bonus for killing people of color. There are kids around the world that don't have clean water, food, nor shelter. For me, poverty is a system that was created by the wealthy. Explain to me how you have millions of dollars for movie productions, billions of dollars for wars and advertising. How is it that we can't end poverty across the world? I will answer that for you, poverty is money maker for those that already have money. That's why poverty still exists. Human beings have been their greatest downfall but we can change that. We blame the bad on the devil and we thank God for the good. But let's start taking accountability over our own lives. Yes, human beings have done a lot of bad but it's still time for us to do a lot of good. But we have to love one another, respect one another and realize that we are all different variations of light but the one thing that is the same is we all have spirits that were made by our Creator. Hate has influenced this world long enough. It's time that we start to love one another and respect each other. I believe that the next stage in evolution will only happen when human beings connect and come together through love. Within that love, we will find everything that we are looking for. Finally I will end with saying this. If you put a rabbit and an apple in a crib and the baby eats the rabbit, I will buy you a house. It's not within our nature to hate, kill, or suffer. Those are all 

learned characteristics that take away from you being your best self. You know at one point there was heaven on Earth. Everybody loved and respected one another. People manifested their thoughts into realities and the goal was for everyone to live good and comfortably. 

Somewhere fear started to control us and love became second nature. Until we change that perspective in our minds, we will continue to live in a hell. My hell is knowing that people in this world are hungry, homeless, sad, or poor. My hell is watching how we treat one another. My hell is watching people kill each other over things that don't really matter. My hell is living in a world where gods get controlled and conquered. Although things are bad right now, I believe that together we can fix everything. Hell to me is succeeding in life while millions of people, that look like me, suffer because they don't know their worth or what they are capable of. I have my best conversations with strangers, and I have met some beautiful people in my time on this planet that have changed my life for the better. I see the good in people everyday and I know how beautiful this world could be.  So since I know how beautiful it could be, I'm going to spend my whole life playing my part to create heaven on Earth.