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Truth is Truth

Guest Writer: Genia

Could you imagine a world where no one was afraid of death? Where money didn’t exist? Where time was not important? Where anything that was not Truth was blatantly obvious because you knew what Truth was? Could you imagine a world where there was absolutely nothing to fear… except for fear itself? Is this even possible?! And for those of you who think not… who told you to believe that? I am speaking to those of you who are ready for change. I am here to tell you that not only is a world like this possible… but that the world just described is where you come from and where you will return. For our world to change, you must be the change. And for you to change, you must unravel all that you have been taught in order to think for yourself. So first, ask yourself: What have I been taught about death? About money? About time? What has my religion taught me? What has my school taught me? What have my parents taught me? What has society and the government taught me? What has the media taught me? And then: Question.Everything.

            There are those in this world who feed off of our fear. So it is in their best interest to keep us in a state of fear. Unfortunately, most of Your world is used to control you and the way you think.  What would happen if you rid yourself of the fear you were taught to subscribe to? What would happen if you thought differently than you were told? Well, you could be ridiculed, ostracized, maybe even condemned. You would be singled-out for being different which could be a very scary thing for some of you. Your fear of being different is as scary as the fear of jumping out of an airplane with no parachute…  I am here to tell you to be different! Be brave. JUMP. If you want the world to change, you must BE the change. And that change starts with a change in your thinking. The people in control understand that if they can control your thoughts, they can control your behavior. Good news is, no one can control your thoughts unless you allow them to! Think. For. Yourself. Don’t let others think for you. JUMP!

            Let me give you an example of how Truth can be disguised, manipulated, or even deceived from the masses. The term “alternative medicine” (i.e. homeopathy, herbal remedies, naturopathic or energy healing, acupuncture, etc.), for instance, is really disheartening because it keeps our focus on biomedicine (i.e. prescription meds) to cure illness. But who funds our nation’s medical schools? Major pharmaceutical companies dump loads of money into medical schools who, in turn, educate our physicians on how to use their prescription drugs. As a result, our physicians have turned into well-trained pharmaceutical salesmen with little knowledge of “alternative medicine”. I am not telling you to discredit the use of prescription medications or to never see your doctor. That wouldn’t be very smart. What I am telling you is Truth is everywhere and to be aware that Truth is often hidden from us.  With more knowledge, however, comes more freedom to choose the best course of action. See the importance of thinking for yourself? Your life literally depends on it.

            We have blindly accepted what we are taught by our religions, our educational systems, the media, and the government as Truth. Step out of the box that has been created for you. Read more. Knowledge is indeed power and in this Informational Age it is there for the taking. If you are expecting to get it from the System of Control, you will continue to life a life based in fear. Think for yourself. Question everything. And most importantly, learn the System of Control that is here to keep us divided. Wake up! Fear divides and keeps us powerless. Fear does not want you to know Truth. Fear dies when Truth is revealed. Search for Truth. Become empowered by Truth. Know Truth when you see it. It’s who you are. It’s where you came from. It’s where you will return.

We greatly appreciate the contribution of our guest writer Genia, and look forward to her perspectives in the future.