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It took me 27 years to find my purpose in life. Some people go their whole life without figuring out what they were sent to this planet for. I was blessed to be able to find my way and figure out what I was sent her to do. One of the ways I found my purpose was going through pain and the trials and tribulations that came with life. At a very young age I learned how to see the good in every situation rather then the bad. When I came out my mother I had drugs in my system, I had delays as a young child and I was diagnosed with ADD when I was around 5. When I was 11 I got diagnosed with skin lupus. Because of my hyper activity and bad behavior I was put in special education from 4th grade to 9th grade. My great grandmother passed away when I was 17 and my grandfather passes away when I was 27. I have know idea who my biological father is and me and my mother are now starting to build our broken relationship. I briefly share my experiences with you to show you that if it was not for both the bad and the good I would not be the man that I am today. 

Through contrast of good and bad I found myself. Having ADD taught me that I have enough energy to do whatever is that I want in life. It also taught me that I can do more then one thing at a time. I'm able to think about an array of different things and still maintain my focus at what I need to do. So I was able to take a negative label and turn it into a positive. Through love and the care of my grandfather, Aunt and great teachers I was able to teach myself how to focus. That means that no matter what's going on I can maintain a clear and steady mind. Being diagnosed with ADD gave me a label, being bad consistently in school landed me in special education. The school that I went to made it clear to the whole school which kids were in special Education and which kids were not so yet again I had to deal with another label. Added to the label was I had to deal with an environment that I wasn't supposed to be in from the start. So I was getting work that was too easy so that added to my behavior problems because when I was young when I got bored that lead to me getting myself in trouble. I was put in a system that was not preparing me to get my diploma. But like I said you have to learn how to make the best out of any situation. So I adopted, I made friends and despite the whole school looking at us like we were crazy we had a good time. My time in special education taught me how to appreciate the people that were different in life. It forces me to have respect for all people. I learned how to be resilient and never give up no matter what people thought about me. 

I was diagnosed with lupus when I was 11, one day these spots started forming on my face and it kept getting worse. My grandfather took me to the doctor and I found out I had skin lupus. The doctors made it clear to me that the sun would be bad for me and that I should always wear sunshine and protect myself from it. As I got older I realized that my lupus humbled me at a very young age. Regardless of how handsome I viewed myself I still had to acknowledge that I had spots all over my face. And if I didn't pay attention to it I had to worry about the endless amount of people that were just steering in my face. I learned self-worth at a very young age and I taught myself that beauty was in the eyes of the beholder. So as long as I viewed myself as being handsome that's all that mattered. As I got older my lupus became connected with my balance. So when I was happy and everything was going good in life my lupus would stay in remission. When I was stressed and my life wasn't balanced my lupus would come out of remission and I would get sick. Lose energy, get cold, have hot flashes, have headaches all day and not want to get out of bed. I had to learn again how to maintain my balance at all cost. I found that no matter what was happening around me I had to be able to find the positive in that situation and be able to not let any particular situation stress me out.  So when I look back my lupus made me a stronger person, it helped my self-worth, it made me believe in myself more and it help me maintain balance in my life under any circumstance. As for the sun I learned that my reality was based on my perception, so if I told myself that the sun would hurt me the sun would end up hurting me. If I told myself that sun would never help me and I used it as energy source I would forever be ok and that's what I do. Currently I don't use sun screen and the sun doesn't have any negative effects on me.

My great grandmother, my grandfather and my Aunt help make me into the person I am today. The unconditional love I received from them is the reason why I have so much love in my heart and I why I care about the well-being of others. If it was not for my great grandmother I would not be the person I am today. She taught me how to be humble, kind, have empathy for people and to smears treat family well. My grandfather made me into a man. He held me accountable for the things I did and be push me to be my best self. He made me read books in the middle of the summer, he made me go to the dictionary and look up worlds I couldn't spell or pronounce. He gave me love on a regular person and he was a great example of how a man is supposed to take care of their family. I watch him go to work, cook, raise me and his daughter, clean up the house, keep me in order and help take care of his mother.

My major of choice is social work, I picked that degree because I enjoy helping others. I have been through so much my life but I have always been blessed to have people around me that have pushed me to be my best self and that have provided me with the unconditional love I needed to make it this far. So I feel obliged to do the same for others. That's why I created Koolforlife. I created a company that provides love, inspiration and people an opportunity to connect with beautiful souls all across the world. One day Koolforlife will help abolish poverty, will shift a consciousness of a generation and help make this world the paradise I know it can be. I will use the ideology of social work to effectively implement change within my community and one day the world. My passion comes from my spirit, I only want to help others because when I needed help I got it. So one of the mottos for my company is a pay it forward way of thinking. This is when people help other people, and in return the only thing you ask of the person your helping is for when the day comes for them to provide that same help to a person in need. All my experiences weather big or small have help shape into the man I am today. Every person I have met in my life has help make me the person I am today. The good moments and the bad ones have made me the man I am today. My experience has help me through time understand what my purpose is. I was sent to this planet to play my part in making it better than it was before I arrived here. I understand that I am being of light and spirit. My frequency determined the lens I see life through, I trust in my spirit as I always have to lead me through this beautiful journey called life.