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"If all hearts and minds are clear..."

So, a year ago I decided to join this group called Grindation. The creator of this organization is Kendall Flicklin. The goal for Grindation is to push you toward evolving to be your best self. It doesn't matter if you’re a cook, a writer, a motivational speaker. When you join Grindation you become a part of a community. I joined Grindation late September, when I went on Kendall's page I watched one video and called the contact information in his profile. He answered, I told him what I wanted to do with my life, and we came up with a plan. The crazy thing about life is sometimes we everything we need right in front of our face, and we still miss out on the opportunity. Last year, I was in a way better position than I'm currently in. I was in the process of working on my clothing line, my business was doing great and I was so happy. Every day I’d wake up with joy and did whatever it is I wanted to do for that day. I was determined to get my clothing line finished and out to the people. Now when you join Grindation, depending on the package you choose, you get two to three coaching sessions a month. Now I have this amazing man that's running his own business, helping people better their life and I didn't use him as a tool. I would miss weekly phone calls, I would schedule appointments and not be on the call at the time we scheduled. I didn't listen to Kendall when he told me to go certain things and I basically wouldn't buy into the system. I felt like I could do it my way, and it didn't have to listen to anyone but myself. Well, reality showed me different. Because I didn't create a budget, I spent up a lot of my savings getting my clothing line off the ground. I also didn't take good care of my finances. I didn't plan properly with my business and I didn't create a team to help me execute my goals. I lacked discipline and structure. I was doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result every time. Grindation and Kendall were amazing, the information that Kendall was giving me was valid and it worked when applied right.

You see, I was the problem.

I didn't do the things needed to manifest the reality I was asking the universe for. Instead of saving and taking my time, I rushed through everything, and sometimes I would spend money without purpose. I didn't have a solid plan, and instead of me using my will to control my reality, I hoped for stuff and didn't maintain what I had. I would put money into my business before I paid my rent. I didn't respect the process of doing business, because I never ran my own business. It took for me to fall on my face and lose a lot of the things that made me happy for me to realize I needed to make some major adjustments. 

So, after all was said and done, the summer came to an end. I spent the last couple of weeks being down on myself because I didn't accomplish my goals. I was disappointed in myself but that energy wasn't going to fix anything. I decided to start making better decisions. I learned that you can't run a business if your personal life is not in order. In the process of me getting my life back in order, I stated to be more committed in being a part of Grindation. If there were three calls per week, I was on all three. If we have to wake up at 6:00am in the morning for our GMen call, I'm waking up in the morning at 5:30am. I'm making sure I am active on every call, also making sure I learn something as well. When I started to put more time and dedication into Grindation, it showed me all that it has to offer. Having a coach like Kendall is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. Watching him run his business and maintaining a relationship with him is a blessing. Being able to build and maintain relationships with other great and like minds is a blessing as well. Grindation has people of all ages and life experiences. Grindation has a community of people that want to change the world but they know that the change first starts with them changing themselves. I am finally apart of a community of people that love one another but also holds each accountable. I learned a lot about myself this summer, I learned that once you identify a problem in your life, you have to do something to rectify that problem. Through all the adversity I've been dealing with two things are for certain: 1. I believe in myself and 2. I believe in KoolforLife. I will keep applying myself and pushing out my comfort zone. I understand now that success is not given, it's created with persistence, dedication a lot of belief in self. If you put your mind to it, you can do anything you. I have all the tools I need to succeed in my life now, the trick is using those tools to implement change in your life and the life of others.

I thank Kendall for coming into my life when he did and I thank him for creating Grindation.  I will continue to work hard, so one day soon KoolforLife can influence the lives of others and push people to be their best self. Remember when you ask the universe for something the universe is not just going to give you what you ask for. The Universe will give you all the tools to get what you want, but you have to do the work. Nothing is given, everything must be earned. I am grateful for all my wins and all of my losses. I know that if I no longer have or experience something, then it no longer serves me. The universe gives us gifts, but if you don't take care of those gifts the universe will take it away. Most of the time everything we need and want is right in reaching distance. Sometimes we just have the right mindset and eyes to see it.

Until next time, stay KoolforLife, we will talk soon. #grindation