Originally published 5/16/16
So what have I learned within the last year of my life? Let's go back a year. Last year around this time I was kind of upset because all my friends were graduating and I found out that I had to do one more semester to receive my degree. I started my T-shirt line last summer and I finished my school semester with a 3.2 GPA, should of been higher but I was happy. I was still on the Dean’s list.
So the summer came and I promoted my T-shirt line, I went to different events, I gave a lot of t-shirts out to my friends to help me promote my brand, and I did the best I could do. In my mind, I thought that I was going to spend a few thousand dollars on t-shirts and all my friends were going to support me as well as my community and I would sell out of the 150 shirts I purchased. Well, that was just a dream and it didn't happen yet, sometimes things don't go as planned. So the goal is to get better every day so that you don't make the same mistake twice. So I asked myself why people didn’t want to buy my shirts. The year previous I had created a blog site to talk about social issues and build a buzz around KoolforLife Inc. That didn't really help as well in relation to selling t-shirts. What it did do was help me inspire people all over the world. It help me connect with other amazing spirits that had the same visions as me. I found other writers that wanted to share their perspective, I made some amazing friends that I will be bringing along for the KoolforLife Journey. So although I didn't sell a whole a lot of shirts I did create the foundation for my company.
Starting your own business is not an easy journey, sometimes it's harder working for yourself then it is working for someone else. Although I have spent more money than I have made with my company, all the information I have attained during my journey is priceless. I have learned the ends and outs of starting my own t-shirt line. I have learned from all my mistakes over this last year and it has made me a better man. Nobody said this journey was going to easy.
My last semester was amazing, all my classes were tailored to what I was doing in my life. I enjoyed every class I took my last semester and I did my best work. I gave my best presentations. I was the most poised I have ever been in my life. For once I decided to listen more then I spoke. I ended my semester with a 3.994 GPA and I could have never been more proud myself. Success is not something that you stumble upon, success is something created through hard work, spirit and the help of the entire universe. I was able to excel and succeed because I made a choice to be my best self and I followed through with that thought until it became my reality. I ended my semester with and I graduated with honors. I came a long way but it was all worth it, the good times and the bad times. They were both needed to push me to become my best self. This last year has been amazing, I learned so much. I've made a conscious decision that I'm going to be exactly what I want to be.
For my young entrepreneurs I want to give you some advice on your journey. Follow your dreams and master your craft. That's how you make money. You don't make money by focusing all your time on making money. It's very important you do research and study your craft, you have to remember that it's so many people that want to do the same thing. That means in order for you to excel in your particular field you have to be great at it. Surround yourself around people that have the same visions and dreams as you. Learn how to quiet your thoughts and allow your spirit to lead you throughout your journey. Don't let anybody dim your light, it doesn't matter what people think as long as you believe it then you can achieve it. That last statement may sound a bit cliché but that statement is very true. Running your own business takes hard work, dedication, spirit and team work.
I look at it like this, either you find a way to bring your dream to life. Or you work for somebody that figured out a way to bring their dream to life. I was told that you have to follow before you can truly lead. Throughout my 30 years of living I have surrounded myself around some amazing people that have taught me so much. I found my path at 27. Within the last four years I have learned so much about myself. I decided that I would create a company that will change the world. I started a blog site to inspire people, bring people together through love and shift the consciousness of an entire generation. I pray this blog inspires you to step outside of your comfort zone and bring your dreams to life.