Destination: Inspiration
A poem by Evana Alexander
Impose inspiration to expose the rawness of your soul
Common goals between auras form diamonds that were once coal
Cold abyss of torment tortures ideas within the cerebellum
I tell them
I tell me
Eye can see
Consequently logic leaves
To make dreams come to reality
To move obstacles with articles of faith and
Mound my broken heart with admiration
Full of grace
Gratitude is gratifying to internal presence that resonate
Limitation is to love what candor is to hate
It is nothing
You can’t handle unless you tell yourself you won’t
Your destination can inspire more than just your growth
Seeds floating in the breeze from your petals birth new life amongst the weeds
You reap what you sow
You manifest what you believe
Create a paradise through paradigms of
Bring beauty to that which was once savage
Bequeath your testimony to those who have yet to manage
And live in the oasis you built despite your damage