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You manifest your frequency

Originally published 1/7/16

With great power comes great responsibility.

We are spiritual beings made of light and vibration. Every single person on this planet has their own purpose whether good or bad. Your reality is a construct of your frequency, this means that you can either vibrate on a high frequency and live a life that you take accountability for and enjoy. Or you can vibrate at a low frequency and wait around to be saved and blame other people for what comes in and out your life. My point is that the paradise that we were convinced exist when you die is supposed to exist right here on earth. You know what stops that from happening? People that carry a low frequency and consume themselves with fear, hate, pain, anxiety, depression and disconnection. The problem is people's frequencies are being controlled. You know how? Through TV, cellphones, radio, and all of these cell phone towers that are being put up for cell phone reception. Pain never hinders, if you find that life is not going the way you want then you have to change your gear. Everything starts with you, poverty doesn’t stop you, bad relationships don’t stop, not having money doesn’t stop you, the only thing that can stop you is you. All the negative devices that try to control your frequency only works if you first lower your own frequency. Try to view frequency and vibration like a radio station, if you want to listen to a particular show you go to that particular station. So say you want to listen to 105.1 you have to go to that particular station, if you go to 105.2 you won’t be able to listen to 105.1. You can apply that same logic to your life, if you want something change your frequency to that particular station and keep it there.

All of the things I just named are tools to keep your frequency low. Other things are poverty, oppression, racism, sexism, disease and lack of love in this world. When you come across people that are ignorant, don't have love in their heart and are jacked into the matrix, you have to remember that the society we live in help create that type of person.

We have to stop judging the people that lack knowledge and find a way to help them attain it. We have to start viewing each other like family, it doesn't matter where you are from, if your human, we are family. We have been trained to view injustice for some people as a way of life, but an injustice to one should be viewed as an injustice to all and until we start thinking and acting like things will never get better. We are too divided, we let money, gender, religion and government divide us. Imagine what this world could be if 7 billion people loved and respected one another. The energy that would be created alone would evolve the entire race. If we all worked together and believed, we were family, I assure you there is enough resources and wealth for all. The crazy thing about poverty is that it only exists because of extreme wealth, there could not be one without the other.

I consider myself a person of high frequency, I know that my spirit is eternal and I can manifest anything. I was sent to this planet to help change it for the better. The universe and our creator has assisted me throughout my life and made sure I was always OK. I evolve every day, I empower myself with knowledge every day, I am love, and I give love every day. Although a lot of my people are still asleep, many people are waking up at an alarming rate.

If you are awake, take accountability of your life and you believe you control your own destiny, then it's your obligation to inspire people, show them love, let your light radiate on their spirit and guide them forward. Show people the greatness within their own souls and remind them that we were all created to be great. I use myself as an example of high frequency because my frequency wasn’t always high and I had to learn how to use my powers. We all have super powers and we can manifest anything, some might call it magic and others might call it spirit. But at the end of the day if you don’t know how to use your powers you bound to mess up, it’s like driving a car without knowing how to drive. You might not crash the first time behind the wheel, but give it some time and I assure you that sooner a later you will crash. As human beings we have so much untapped potential but if we don’t start stepping out our comfortable box and step into a world that we have yet to embark on we our destined for failure.

Criticizing people for getting caught in a system that was created to destroy different demographics is not going to make anything better. If you are jacked in, and you see what's going on then you should thank the creator and then spirit for allowing you to see what's really going on. But when you act like your knowledge makes you better than people you are a part of the problem. When you have more, you give more, you don't judge the people that don't have. We all have super powers, it's called love. Every time you open your heart and you give love, you get stronger and you make the world better. Remember that the world is reflection of us, so if you make yourself better, you make the world better as well. Together we could be unstoppable, divided we will forever be conquered.