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Over the last year I have meet some beautiful people over social networks but in particular Instagram. To be honest my Instagram page helps me further understand the synergy of the human race and everything else that exist on this planet. The people that reach out to me touch my heart and light up my soul. To be honest experience has taught me that “stranger” is just another word for friends who haven't met yet. I find that when you drop your guards and open your heart you can have amazing conversations and experiences with people, it doesn't matter how long you knew them. I have meet people on Instagram, and a few days later we have had the best conversations and dialogue. We have shared our experiences and I even have had friends that share their thoughts and ideas thought my blog site. I know that we are all suppose to be connected through love, we are all suppose to respect one another and there should be enough resources and opportunity for all. I fall short of that sometimes, I let the construct that society has created get the best of me. You see hate, stereotypes, oppression, racism, poverty was all learned traits created by man. I'm not saying we are always suppose to agree but we are all always suppose to love and respect one another always.

We are all beings of light and vibration, our salvation as human race will come with unity and love for the entire human race. The more I connect to spirit the more I connect with all that spirit creates. That mean I don't like anything that's not created by spirit and  light. When I see injustice, and hate toward other people it breaks my heart. Hate only breeds more hate, love opens the heart, charges the spirit and makes the world a better place. If you are comfortable with what's going on in the world something is wrong with you . If the injustice of what is happening to people of color is not affecting you something is wrong with you. If you are not willing to work together to make this world better something is wrong with you.

This is what I know. I am great and we were all created to be great. But in the world we live in society that makes it extremely hard for you to be great in this system. It's like in this game of success only but so many of us can win. This came was never created to benefit the masses, this game was created to control the masses and allow a small amount of people to be in control. But I repeat the power is in the people, the power is in the people. We will change this world, in time many will awake and we will combine our light and shed our light on all darkness until nothing but light exist. If you are trying to find direction, if you want to evolve into your best self then you have to learn how to quiet your thoughts and listen to your spirit. Your spirit has all the answers you are searching for, your spirit can help you make all your dreams into a reality. Your spirit is the part of you that is perfect, all you have to do is have the patience and the insight to be able to listen when spirit talks. Spirit has never let me down, spirit has guided me and made me realize my strength, spirit connects me to an eternal light that in return will keep my light shinning for all time. I love my spirit and I love your spirit for the potential greatness that lies within you. Remember no matter what society or evil people try to do to hurt you that you are blessed and can only restart spirit you can never abolish it. We are eternal beings that exist in a time that we are supposed to use our light to shift the consciousness of a generation. Within that shift of consciousness people will realize the light that exists within them and the rest will be history. Namaste to all the great souls that I have had the pleasure of coming in contact with, I recognize your light and I know you recognize mines, in time we will help this planet rid itself of all of those that are stopping this world for being the paradise I know it could be. Remember who you are, God runs through all our Blood streams, don't settle for a world that you know you can change. For me the prerequisite for fear is preparation. If we want to rid ourselves of pain and oppression then we have to prepare as a race to connect through unity. That unity will be the key to open the doors for all our dreams. I write through spirit so if you read with spirit then my words will reside.