What is life?
Guest Writer: Bhargav Patel
Have you ever wondered, if the life you're living will ever be noticed? Things you think and those wildest of dreams with the weirdest of thoughts arising in this small shell-skull, would they ever be the craziest reality you wish for?
There are deeper meanings to everything which is differently observed by every body, because the level of perception matters!
I didn't say that my level of perception is high and yours is low, no, It's JUST DIFFERENT ! There is no judging for the life we are living because that's what the universe wanted and see, you're alive and reading it at your full even after facing all the odds and disasters which the life made you face! You may say, " you don't know what I'm facing or what situation I'm in " or any other arguments, but I'll say we all are differently perfect right now in this moment!
It's because, the life which I see with my two eyes will never be seen by you, and the life which you've seen with your eyes will never be seen by me or anybody else! The God, himself can't live the life which you're destined for!
I sometimes wonder, it's quite irrational, we try finding ourselves in GOD and quite similarly, God tries finding himself in life ! Now, think again , the life you've lived and the life I've lived and the life which the billions of people are living on earth right now will never be experienced by any other being or organism !The life which that ant, gathering its food, is living and the life that eagle, flying up in the sky, is living, and the life that jelly fish and sea horses are living will never be experienced by you, me or Krishna or Jesus or buddha ! We all are unique ! Because, life is a experience which the soul gains! We all are one soul! That's what buddha tried to tell, I'm buddha and I'm within everybody! I'm Krishna and I'm wihin everything and I'm Jesus and I reside in every being ! They are omni present ! If we try to understand this, it means, all the lives lived by all the living organisms gain an experience which is stored in their etheric body or soul, and it's stored as a learning by the soul! There is one soul, one mind , one dream , one experience which is consciously or subconsciously gained by every being simply by living it ! If the being doesn't gain the necessary learning from the current life, that fragment of the one soul, one mind, reincarnates to gain its experience and thus learning ! Mind is a miracle, once it consciously learns something, it can't unlearn it , Whether you wish it or not, you can't unlearn an experience you gained! If you don't recall it , it doesn't mean you didn't learn it! Every thought and every experience is stored in the Aakash(ether) ! As I said, we all are one soul, one mind, one dream! That's what is written in Vedas and quran! There is one God, one allah, he who is dreaming all of it consciously! We all, living or non living are existent as a part of the universe because it was meant to be existent! We all gain an experience for the soul to learn it and thus it's explained that why is it that the life which I, you and the ant and the eagle are living will never be experienced by any other living thing! And that is exactly why the level of perception of every living being is as different and As weird as possible because its never gonna be experienced by any other thing in this space time continuum ! And if you disagree to me being irrational then let me remind you, the system says we are the smartest living being on earth and then they say that we use only 10-20% of our brain and then they say that we use 10-20% when awake and 80% while asleep AND THEN, THEY SAY DREAMS AREN'T REAL! Who is being irrational, use your heart to judge !
We are the soul, which was in Krishna , buddha and Jesus! They too were humans with their soul at their full potential because they found themselves within ! What do you think did buddha realize sitting under a bodhi tree for three days and meditating? Why did Krishna say, the universe out side him is also the universe that is within him, because he is the universe itself and thus, he is eternal and omnipresent ! GOD, one soul, one mind is omnipresent! Ether is omnipresent! Energy is omnipresent ! Thus we all are omnipresent because, we, humans we're created in the image of God ! That doesn't make us God, but it shows how we all are God of our own perception of our own reality in this very present moment! You see, when we were a baby, we had a soul, as we grew, our body grew, our mind grew and thus our spirit grew! Growth is inevitable and thus the expansion of universe is infinite! We all, are growing in this very moment! The universe, is simultaneously expanding in this very moment, "the one mind, one soul" is gaining billions of experiences in this very moment ! Pain is temporary and death is nothing but transformation ! We, the soul fragments, get transformed, and merge with the one mind one soul with an experience for it to gain ! You are all Krishna and you're all buddha, the universe you grew by your level of perception is what was meant for you to gain ! Every soul fragment is meant to experience and expand and thus grow! And now you'll realize how exactly, everything is ONE ! we're all ONE !
Love is enegy and that's what we're all transformed into ! Because that's what we all want in our lives somewhere ! We all are made up from this intellectual energy & we've termed it as soul! There aren't enough words for me to explain what I actually mean because language is only a means of communication between us, but the things which aren't explained are being heard by the voice in your heart, because we all are the soul fragments of one soul which don't need a language to understand itself, if you can find your inner peace, you'll be able to listen to yourself, the "subconscious" yourself, your higher self, the intuitional being, the soul, all these are one and the same , it's just the language, which made the prison of illusions, to separate us from it ! Thus the 10-20% of our brain :p
That's what buddha realized, about who we are and he, simply by realizing it, expanded his spirit to it's full potential because, that's what his soul fragment was destined for !
Love thyself
Many thanks for sharing his work and perspective with koolforlife.com.
Originally published 4/12/15