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What happened to authenticity and people being their best self? We live in a world now where so many people are comfortable with not being their true selves. We live in a world where people say things that they don't mean. Social media has created a society of people that are comfortable pretending to be something that they are not. Success is something that is created not given, and it also doesn't happen overnight.

When I look around we live in a world that is divided and through that division we are all being controlled. Poverty, oppression, racism, sexism, hate will be humanity’s greatest downfall. We spend too much time focusing on things that don't matter. We have forgotten that the entire human race is an extended family and we should live in a world where all people get treated with respect and have equal opportunity to be whatever is that they want to be. I remember watching this poet, Pat Justice, and in his piece he said "if money is the root to evil, then greed is the seed". We live in a world where people have become extremely greedy to the point that millions of people have died and suffered just so a few can have access to extreme wealth. The world is not supposed to be like this, Mother Nature produces enough space and resources for all of Gods children. But mankind has decided to cheat the laws of nature, not take care of this beautiful planet and instead of living through love and respect, most people live through hatred and anger. We are such an intelligent race and if people really wanted to wake up we could really live in a world where we didn't have pollution, people were not killing one another. We could really live in a world where nobody went hungry and everybody had a place to stay. Imagine a world where people respected and looked out for one another. Imagine a world where nobody was homeless and all human beings had access to clean food and water. Imagine a world where we stop creating medications that kill people and we really came up with cures to really heal people. The human race has been sold a dream, I take that back the human race has been given a check that has insufficient funds. We have been made to believe that Heaven is somehow better than the world we live in. This is true is because human beings have been given free will. Within that free will people don't always make the best decision. This means that people can choose to just be bad individuals or their best self. The human race could live in peace and harmony and things could be just as good on earth, as it is in Heaven. The problem is most people would rather die and be saved then take accountability over their reality. To be honest I think that the world we live in now, could be considered hell. We live in a world where a person would take your life for some type of material gain or just based off how you look. We live in a world where we disrespect our women, rape them and abuse them. Tell me how we will ever succeed, if we continue to disrespect women. Without women, we wouldn't exist. But we live in a world where a lot of people don't even stand up and fight for women. 

The human race has let a system like racism separate us all. We have been brain washed to think that we are so different based on our ethnicity but it has been scientifically proven that there is only one race and that's the human race. Hell to me, is when somebody can lose their life based on the color of their skin. Hell to me is when people just stand idle while other people are suffering. I think the entire human race will continue to suffer until we realize that all of our salvation is dependent on us loving one another and connecting with each other through oneness. We are all connected, so that means when the one person in the human race hurts we all hurt. When one person in the human race feels joy, we all feel joy. We have to get back to a place as a race where we use love as a tool to bring people together. We need to get to a place where we come together and we start working together as one to make this world better. Imagine if seven billion people decided that they were going to wake up and be grateful for everything they have. Imagine if those same seven billion people exuded unconditional love and created a mindset that we were all family. Imagine if seven billion people started to share their thoughts and resources and found a way to create a system where people lived in harmony and peace. Human beings will continue to suffer until they realize that nobody is coming to save us. The human race was created to be great, not just some of us but all of us. The only way we will become our best selves if we realize that we are better together then we are apart.