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Control Systems

I think that religion is a control system put in place to force people to look outside their self to find a salvation that will never come. I think racism is a system put in place to divide the entire world and get people to stay  disconnected rather than to stay connected. I think that money is the new cotton and that 95 percent of the world have become slaves to money. The new plantation is the job market. People work 30 to 40 years to be able to enjoy their life and take care of their family. Money only works for the small percentage of people that have a lot of it. The middle class and the poor keep this country moving forward. It's the hard working people that work 40 plus hours a week that end up paying off the United States debt. The media distracts us from paying attention to the details. We still live in a country where white supremacy still rules. Now this has nothing to do with white people, as I'm focused on the system that was created through Slavery and Jim Crow. People of color were the catalyst for this country's success. The infrastructure of the United States was built by slave labor. On top of free labor, they created a system that would never allow people of color to fully heal from the affects of slavery. Now in 2015, even if you work hard and graduate from college, most young adults are faced with immediate debt and unemployment when they graduate.

We live in a country that will not create the proper resources for all people to be free and have the same opportunities. The only way this world is going to get better is if all nationalities of people wake up and start to pay attention to what's going on. The police are killing people of color everyday and it still continues to happen. Now let's look at the other side of the fence, if police killed over 5000 white people since 2000, their would be no police because white people would not allow that to happen. It actually sounds crazy because even as I write this I could never see that happening. So why is it happening to people of color?

Divided, we will forever stay conquered. Together we can change the world.

In order for that to happen we have stop looking at race and start looking at each other as human beings. If we could do that then I'm sure as a nation we would start see that this system has to change and we are the ones that have to change it. Wake up, you don't have to die to get to heaven, you can create it right now. As for hell, you don't have to die to to experience that either, because as of now people of color are experiencing hell in a country they built and a lot of us just sit back and watch. Just know that we didn't get our freedom from sitting down and watching, millions of people died so we could have the opportunities we have today. All gifts can be taken away, and if you open your eyes this country has it gotten worst since the Civil Rights movement. If we don't start to fix the problem, the cancer that this country suffers from will spread and kill us all. Food for thought, you do the dishes.