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Growth through Connections

I learned that the best way to grow is to step outside of your comfort zone. This summer I spent so much time and energy building my company. I sold t-shirts, I spoke to the youth, I helped some of my friends with their endeavors. I learned a lot about my business and I learned a lot about the bad habits I needed to rid myself of. I didn't reach my mark this summer. I sold a good amount of shirts but I didn't sell them fast enough to really see the profit. When it was all said and done and the summer was over I found that I didn't accomplish all my goals because I didn't create the right plan for myself. This means that I didn't create a budget for myself. I spent money and didn't account for it. I didn't have a consistent income. I only had two sources of income and I was spending like I had four. I invested too much money into my dream and not enough in my real life. I didn't take care of my priorities. I didn't create a strong enough team to help me execute my goals. The last thing is I wasn't willing to make the sacrifices needed to succeed at my business. I did a lot of hoping and not enough willing. That means instead of me manifesting the reality I want I spent too much time hoping for the reality I wanted.  

So, at the end of the summer I basically felt like I fell on my face. I realized that I was my worst enemy and if I didn't make some major changes I would never accomplish the goals I have created for myself. At first, I was so down on myself. I felt like I let myself down. I had a good conversation with my coach and he told me to implement some changes in my life and to come up with a new plan of action. So for me stepping out of my comfort zone is working a consistent job. I haven't worked a full time paying job for about five years. So I started to see what the requirements were for me to become a full time employee with the Board of Education. That process takes a while, so in the process, I decided to do Uber and Lyft. The money is OK and I get to make my own hours. The best part about driving is being able to connect with other human beings on a spiritual level. I have had doctors, lawyers, nurses, teachers, chefs, writers, fashion designers, mothers, fathers and so many amazing people get in my car. I meet people from all over that share their story. I met this one guy that was in law school. We came from completely different backgrounds. He told me that he grew up in an environment that was so open to integration and equality for all. But that didn't mean he felt that way, he's currently in school pursuing his law degree. His girlfriend and two other passengers were in the car. The conversation started out with us talking about our current Dictator Donald Trump. It ended with everybody in the car agreeing that love would help change this world for the better. After the ride was over I gave everybody my business card and I went on with my day. A few minutes later I get a text from one of the passengers, the guy that was going to school to become a lawyer. He told me that he able to relate to my point of view of using love and unity to change the world. He also said the Koolforlife movement I created, was needed in the world. It's funny because the passenger left his luggage in the trunk so I had to go back to the city to take him his things. He then ask me to take his mother, father and girlfriend to a play on 42nd street. During the ride, we continued talking about the current state of this country and what we thought we could do to make this world a better place. I really enjoyed talking to my new friend’s family, and you could see where he got his open mind from by talking to his parents. That was probably one of my best days of work since I started Uber. It's always a blessing to meet good people.  Just last night I met this teacher from New Jersey. She works Metropolitan University in New Jersey in the Liberal Arts department. She told me that her goal is to instill unconditional love, and inspiration into every student she encounters. She wants them to know that they could be anything they want if they believe so. We had a great conversation about the youth and we had a lot in common. The world has a funny way of connecting like-minded people.

So, what have I learned from my experiences doing Uber and Lyft? I learned that people just want to connect at the most basic level. It could be having a conversation or giving somebody a hug that is having a bad day. We were not created as a race to be disconnected. Imagine what the world would be like if 7 billion people worked together in unity to look out for each other. Imagine if an injustice to one of us was an injustice to all of us. We have been sold this illusion that you should have to die to get to heaven. What if I told you that you could create heaven right here on earth. It starts with changing how you perceive the world. It starts with being grateful and thankful for everything that you have. It starts by treating other people with respect and giving them that same love you would want. If we came together as a human race, we could fix every problem that exists. We have grown into a selfish race of people. We complain about material things and we have been put into a system that makes you do the same thing over and over. In the process, you lose your creativity and your drive to want to change this world. Just know for every problem you think you have, there is a child or an adult on the other side of this planet that doesn't have clean water. Can't get access to medication and hospital care. Lives in a country that kills people that speak out against injustice. There are kids that don't have food and shelter. We really need to look ourselves in the mirror and start to do better as a human race. The world is not going to get better by itself, we must make it better.

Let's be kind to one another, let's inspire our youth to conquer and change the world. Let's look out for one another. Take some time and get to know people in your community. Travel the world and learn about different cultures. Take care if your planet, take care of your body and let's start taking care of each other. I still have hope that humanity will come together one day. I have faith that people like myself exist all over the world and we are going to start coming together to play our part in changing this world for the better. Keep love in your heart, be good to people for reason and make sure you keep a pay it forward state of mind.

Stay KoolforLife my friends, we will talk soon.