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Perspective & Purpose

When I was five years old, my teacher asked me who my hero was. I told her my hero was grandfather, Fred Wise. He taught me how to be a man and how to maintain and take care of my family. As a kid, I could never figure out what I wanted to be. I didn't want to be a doctor, or a lawyer or work for any particular company. I remember when I was choosing a high school, my grandfather asked me what I wanted to do, and I told him that I wanted to be a millionaire. My grandfather told me that I wouldn't be a millionaire in my lifetime and he picked Harry Van Arsdale High School and my major was to be carpentry. I did carpentry for three years. In my junior year, I built a great relationship with my assistant principal. I used that relationship to get me out of my major. I told Mr. Tilden, the assistant principal, that I wanted to transfer into the business major. I explained to him that I didn't want to be a carpenter. So, he made a deal with me, he told me if I passed my US history Regents exam with 80 percent or higher that I could transfer out of the carpentry program into business. I got an 84 on my US history regents and I was able to transfer into the business program. I learned two valuable lessons, the first one was that just because someone tells you “No”, that doesn't mean you can't still get what you want. My guidance counselor and all my teachers told me that I couldn't transfer out of the carpentry program. But Mr Tilden was the assistant principal so he was still able to get me into the business program as long as I held up my end of the bargain. The second thing I learned was about the importance of networking. It's not always about what you know, sometimes it's about who up you know.

So after I graduated from high school, I went to college to play basketball with my friends. When I went and sat down with my counselor to pick my classes, and the counselor asked me what I liked to do. I told the counselor that I liked helping people so they signed me up for a degree in Human Services. I did my two years, and I still couldn't figure out what career I saw myself doing for twenty to thirty years. So when I came home from college I decided to get a job being a medical service coordinator. I did this job for a year and was the youngest person on my team. The director of the company told me that I reminded him of himself, but something still wasn't right. So I quit my job and decided to sell weed full time. It took me five years from the day I quit my job to figure out my purpose and what I wanted to do with my life as far as my career was concerned. Now let's go back for a minute. I started working when I was 15 for a summer youth job I had got. I continued to work at different jobs until I was 22. The only jobs that have ever brought me joy were jobs when I was giving back and helping people. So when I worked in after school programs, camps and high schools I felt fulfilled when I got home because I know I made someone’s day better and was a positive influence in someone's life. Outside of those jobs I always felt like I was wasting time working for someone else. I believe that people of color built this country for free for 500 years. I refuse to labor for anyone, when too many people died and sacrificed their lives so I could be great and do great things. So whatever it is I decide to put my time and energy into has to be pushing the culture forward. If it's not helping make this world a better place, it's a waste of my time. The strongest muscle on my body is my brain. I will always remember that. 

So, let's fast forward to 2013, my grandfather passed away and I enrolled in Medgar Evers College to get my Bachelors in Social Work. Medgar Evers wouldn't except most of my credits because I had got my Associates in a different degree, Human Services. So, I had to take all the electives and major classes to get my degree. At first, I didn't give my all and I still didn't know what job or career I was going to end up in. Getting my degree in Social Work was amazing because the ideology of social work could help me better the world and change my community for the better. But I didn't want to be an actual social worker. Basically, I went to school to learn and meet new people. To be honest going to Medgar Evers was the best thing I have ever did. I grew into a man, I stepped outside of my comfort zone and produced greatness. I watched myself grow and mature. I found my purpose while I was in school and decided to create a company called KoolforLife Inc.

The purpose of KoolforLife was to create a platform to bring people together through love, spirit and unity. In the process of me doing that I will create a society of people helping and looking out for each other. Being KoolforLife, means you believe in yourself and you believe in others. Being KoolforLife, means you don't just settle for the status quo, you understand you control your own reality so you manifest the things you want. I started this company in 2015. It started out as a blog site, then I added a t-shirt line, now I'm working on my clothing line. I do motivational speaking, I inspire people all over the world. I have a hotline that people can utilize if they are going through something. Every day I make sure I give off some type of positive energy. I created a company that turned into a movement fueled by love, that movement is turning into a lifestyle that will help change the world.

While I was in Medgar, I found my career and that was KoolforLife Inc. I created my own company and this company will change my life and the lives of billions one day. I was able to finish my last semester at Medgar with 3.994 GPA. I went to college to figure out my career path and instead I found my purpose.

As you can see it took me about 27 years to figure out what I wanted to do with my life but I did. If you want to know what career you should choose first figure out the things that bring joy to your heart. When you figure that out the universe will help you figure out the rest. God and the universe can only assist you in manifesting your reality if you’re in motion. In this journey of figuring out your purpose you will fail, you will have bad days and you will have to deal with adversity. But if you’re doing what you love then you will find a way to persevere through that adversity until things start looking like the way you planned. The best way to find your purpose is to live. I've been to sleep away camps, I went away to college, I've dealt with so much pain and adversity but still I rise. My mother and father left me with my great grandmother and never came back. I have skin lupus, and I can go through the list about all the adversity I have experienced. At the end of the day, the good and the bad days have made me the person I am today. One day I will create a billion-dollar company that will allow me to take care of my family, give back to my community and communities all over the world. One day I will be able to employ thousands of people and it all started with a dream buried deep inside me. I had to live and grow through my adversity to find my purpose, that's why I will forever be KoolforLife.