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By: Sharon V - @dreamypisces80

I had a strange feeling inside of my head and heart. I felt out of control and unsure of my own existence. Irritation had sunken deep into my being as I continued to take in more and more information. I started to ask myself if I personally had become addicted to taking in digital information. The answer rang clear in my spirit that indeed I was addicted and sucked into the world wide web of seduction of information. Some information has been positive, uplifting and liberating while other information holds a very low vibration which had started to affect me mentally and spiritually. I had to unplug.

Social media has become a solid fixture in our lives almost as important as breathing. We breathe unconsciously as well as reaching to grab our phones unconsciously to check our alerts, which pulls us into the web. It’s amazing how this has become habitual, not only for those of us who live in the states but also globally for anyone who can get their hands on a laptop or preferably a smart phone. Which is convenient for easy access to fulfill our techno addiction.

The awesome thing about the web is that you can literally ask any question that pops into your mind at any moment. No longer are the days of having to research at the library through books. Every question in existence can be sought out through the clicking of electrical buttons on a tiny device. Our ancestors would be in awe of our current capabilities. The down side to the over usage of technology is that as much as it is exclaimed to be “SOCIAL MEDIA“, it actually makes us less social. Meaning, we text before talking, we type before speaking so in essence our voice has been taken away and a computer has taken the place of our voices.

Some would argue that social media has brought us closer together because it opens us up to be able to contact people from all over the world that we wouldn’t normally have contacted with similar interests, which is true. But to look a little bit deeper, are these relationships real or are they just shallow technology relationships; that mirror our long lost real life relationships that we used to have with people. We used to actually speak over the phone or meet up in person. I feel that social media has made us very passive as a people. When we have an issue we take it to our social media hubs and express our opinions, due to current freedom of technological speech. We express our ideas with others, they express their ideas. Our thoughts are recorded in the world wide web database and sent out into the never ending abyss of informational code. Is this really helping us as a people to better ourselves? Perhaps. Or is this just giving satisfaction to our ego’s that we are creating some sort of change in the world but in actuality, we are nothing but a blip of informational coding in the web of technology.

The Shooting in Vegas, Cardi B. is a superstar and the upcoming role model to our girls, sex continues to sell, heated debates from white nationalist to black nationalist, arguments from the Moors, Hebrews and Nation of Islam, Christianity. False flags, government corruption, the earth is flat, who will get shot next, take a knee for police brutality but still play the game of high paid slavery, women’s & men’s body comparisons, hair comparisons, makeup, street fights, SCROLL SCROLL, people being mugged, child porn industry exposed, kids do drugs like the rappers do and disrespect themselves because it’s fun even though they may end up dead in a freezer. Hair Tutorials, ‘SCROLL SCROLL….LIKE’. Eat this, drink that, brush your teeth with charcoal and put sticky cups on your breasts to hold them up. Join this work out and try this meditation, ‘LIKE’, don’t say your black and don’t say you are African because you are a Native American, slavery didn’t really happen, ‘COMMENT’, and Barack Obama really cares about you. What did Donald Trump tweet today? Sign up for this webinar to change your whole life to make you rich, BUT you have to pay $158 to find out why. Relationship goals of two people laid up in bed, but who are these people? SCROLL…SCROLL.

Information….information…..and more information. As I stated, it became too much, it all rushed in like a tsunami and I was left drained and questioning what is it all for. I feel the same way about other outlets of technology such as TV Programming. BREAKING NEWS BREAKING NEWS ALERT ALERT!!! Constantly tapping on our emotions and keeping us in a stressful daze. Unplug.

The benefits of unplugging from social media such as FACEBOOK and Instagram:

1.     You will free up time (RECLAIMING MY TIME, RECLAIMING MY TIME. Thanks Maxine Waters).

2.     You will have more time to read books.

3.     You will have time to have natural thoughts without induced techno triggers.

4.     You will be able to focus on building the business or craft that you have been thinking of for months and years.

5.     You will have a inner sense of peace and a elevated mood in knowing that you are free from the grips of the world wide web.

6.     You will free yourself from pressures that come from viewing other peoples social media, such as comparing yourself to someone else’s body or lifestyle or knowledge base.

7.     You will have time to connect with yourself instead of connecting with the web. More time for focused mediation, exercise and other activities to create balance.

8.     You will no longer be a slave to checking your social media every few moments or hours, again freeing up your time and breaking the addiction to “check”.

9.     Your mind chatter will lessen because your brain isn’t being stimulated in the same way as it was before.

10. You will live more in the moment, the real moment of life which will allow you to feel more grounded and self-assured.

I have found that the easiest way to take a digital detox is to log out of your social media platforms and even to go as far as deleting the apps so that you will not be tempted to log back in. Set a date on your calendar to fast from social media and stick to it. Let your friends and family know that you will be taking a break from social media so they will not send you information to get you sucked back into the web.

Now that you have logged out, go live your life. Start being active, try new things, call people on the phone, crack open a book…it’s so many things to do in place of social media. Your brain and heart will thank you.

– DreamyPisces80
IG: dreamypisces80
IG: ommshop
FB: one metaphysical mind