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Character: An Exercise by D. Blake Simon

During a recent speaking engagement with a group of youth, I asked “what comes to mind when you hear the word character?” One young man stood up and gave what I thought was the perfect answer. He responded with “character is the way you act when no one is around”. I couldn't have said it better myself. That is exactly how you measure the character of an individual.

Character is established through your everyday actions toward self and others. Terms associated with character include behavior, morals, and integrity.

I refer to these terms as measurables simply because they can be used to measure character. Considering these measurables and the answer the young man gave, evaluate your own character. Ask yourself the following questions… and be extremely HONEST with yourself.


·        How is your behavior when no one is around?
(Youth) Do you behave one way with your parents and then go to school and behave differently? (Adults) Do you practice what you preach to others?


·        How are your morals when no one is around?
(Youth) Would you cheat on a test at school because you know you can get away with it? (Adults) Do you make a complete stop at that stop sign?


·        What type of integrity do you have when no one is around?
(Youth and Adults) Would people consider you trustworthy? Are you honest with others and yourself?


Reflect on your answers ask yourself one more question.

What type of character do you possess? Good or Bad? Remember… BE HONEST with yourself.

If you come to the conclusion that you have good character, look for ways you can continue to improve. If you come to the conclusion that your character is not that great, NOW is time to start making changes. Now is the time to evolve into A Different You.

Character plays such a huge role in the level of success you may reach in life. Be a person of Great Character. Unlike some things in life, you can't purchase good character. To achieve good character you must put in the work and remain consistent. Work on your characteristics daily. Be loyal, caring, forgiving, responsible and understanding. 


D. Blake Simon


Many thanks to contributor, author and motivational speaker, Blake Simon. Be sure to visit his website above, and learn more about his method from "The Transition" book series.