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Ode to the Awakening

a poem by Evana Alexander

Like wind through hair 

never here nor there

Aloof as air 

I’m everywhere



They stop and stare.

How beautiful am I. 

That’s up to me

Not the way others may portray me to be


I’m lightning

I'm thunder

I rumble

I’m free


I’m galaxies and stars

I’m flowers and trees

I flow like rivers

And buzz like bees

I’m magic and wonder




I create what I speak

My language is love

My objective to be


Through space and time I become more of me

More sublime

More willing

More refined

More keys

To unlock the chains placed upon me

That rattle and cling

That hinder me when I breathe


Let me go!

I say to thee

I need to wander

I need to be me

What good is freedom

If I can’t keep it G


I am eternal

I am infinite

I refuse to move unless my heart’s in it

I’m chaos

I’m order

I’m all of these things

No kinda or sort of


They call me Soul

What a pleasure to meet

But like deja vu

You seem familiar to me

Has it been a long time

I’ve seen you in my sleep

Yet it is time to awake

Good morning, come with me