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Make A Change

Lately if you’re paying attention to the world’s current events, I know your saying to yourself, “What's going on with the world?” Natural disasters are happening all over the world. Young kids are dying and bringing harm to themselves at an alarming rate. We are probably more disconnected as a human race then we have ever been before. The United States is being ran by a reality TV show star that is not qualified to be the President of the United States. Donald Trump is a racist and all the people he surrounds himself with are racist too. Instead of using his power to make this country a place where all people can thrive and live out their dreams, he is destroying dreams and has no idea what he is doing as a president. We also have a president that doesn't respect women. So, if your hoping that the government or the state is going to save you and swoop in and save the day, it's not going to happen. The people must remember that we are the ones with the power. The only reason why we don't have access to that power because we are disconnected as a human race. We don't look out for each other anymore. We don't view an injustice to one of us as an injustice to all of us. It has gotten to the point where we don't even look out for the youth anymore. We have a generation of kids that are figuring things out on their own. I write this blog because I know that it's easy to let fear, worry and stress into your mind, all you have to do is turn on the news. Everybody wants to identify the problem but nobody wants to come up with solutions. To be honest I think things will only get worse until we start treating one another like family. Let's stop letting things like racism, class and hate disconnect us.

The saying goes that change comes on the brink of disaster. Well I think that time is now. Global warming is real and if we don't start taking care of our planet and each other the world might decide to get rid of humanity. Imagine if natural disasters started happening all over the world at the same time. Imagine if Mother Nature decided to destroy everything we hold dear because we didn't want to take care of our planet or each other. We have been sold this story of paradise and heaven when we die. Why would our Creator let us into heaven if we can't take care of our planet or each other? The same that's above is the same that's below. So, if you can't create a mindset and a state of paradise on earth you won't be able to do it in heaven either. Let's start living in the moment, taking care of our family and not just our extended family. Let's start looking out for everyone. The best way to receive is to give. We were put on this planet to love one another and with together as a human race. The whole energy of this entire planet would change instantly if 7 billion people came together through unconditional love. Imagine a world where people loved and looked out for each other. Nobody was selfish and everybody shared what they have. Imagine a world where people didn't kill people or animals. Imagine a world where we respected and honored one another. Doesn't that world I just described sound like some type of paradise, and you don’t have to die to create it. You just have to change your mindset. Find love in everything, even the things that hurt you. 

We were not created as a human race to act like savage animals that don't care about each other or the planet that we all inhabit. We were not created to hate each other and disconnect ourselves from each other based on systems that were implemented to control us. When a person is hurt, don't you get this natural feeling to just want to help? When someone is hungry and you have access to food don't you want to feed them? When a friend is getting bullied and you can help defend them don't you want to help them? I say all this to say, that it's something natural about helping another person. Hate, and wanting to do something negative to someone seems more like a learned characteristic. Look around and see how the world looks when we let religion, skin color and money control how we treat one another. There is going to come a day where we are all going to have to come together to change this world for the better.

Hate is destroying the world, love will save it.

Control what comes in and out of your mind, if you don't somebody else will control if for you.

Practice meditation, learn how to quiet your thoughts.

Surround yourself around positive people that do positive things.

Believe in yourself and also believe in others.

Keep unconditional love in your heart and remember that you can do anything you put your mind to.

Look adversity in the face with a smile.

Play your part in changing the world for the better.

Sometimes things have to get worse before they get better so don't let the current state of this world worry you. Just make sure you remember that life was given so that you live out your dreams and you treat every day like an adventure. Our spirits live forever; so. live to your fullest potential, find your greatness and show it to the world. Live as if you never heard the world regret, be genuine to yourself and be kind to others.

I love you all, stay KoolforLife and we will talk soon my friends. 

In keeping with the lyrical message of "Man in the Mirror," which was strongly identified with Michael Jackson and reflective of his own philosophies, the short film features powerful images of events and leaders whose work embodies the song's message to"make that change."