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Respect The Process

I use to think that success was going to be bestowed upon me, I use to think that one day that I would wake up and I would have everything that I wanted. I have always knew that I would be great but I just didn't know how. I was on a radio show a week ago and the host asked me how did I find out what my purpose was. I told her through spirit and experience. All the adversity I have experienced and all the of the adversity I have overcame has showed me my purpose. If you would of asked me what I wanted to be when I was 10 I would have probably told you a power ranger. I never wanted to be like anybody but myself. The only hero I had growing up was my grandfather. He taught me how to be a man, I watched him take care of his family by any means necessary. We had our bad days and we had our good ones but we made it work. I remember my grandfather asked me what I wanted to be, and I told him that I wanted to be a millionaire. His response was that I would never make a million dollars and I should think about something realistic like being an electrician or carpenter. I told him that I respected his opinion but i didn't want to be either of those professions. I told my grandfather that I didn't know what I was going to be but i assured him that I would become a millionaire one day. Well twenty years later I'm still not a millionaire but I will be.

So what have i learned about how to accomplish success in my thirty one years on this planet. Well the first thing is you need to be consistent at whatever it is that your doing. You need a plan and you need to master whatever craft you plan on making money off of. Their will be many people trying to do the same thing as you. The difference between you and them is that you will master your craft in and out so when it's time to seize your opportunity you will be ready. Its very important that you learn how to control your thoughts. When you are working toward accomplishing any goal you need focus and discipline. Without those two characteristics it will be very hard for you to succeed. Where I went wrong at in my life is when I was younger I never cared about giving my all. I did enough to get by. When My grandfather died I decided to go back to college and it changed my entire life. I learned that if I wanted to be great then I had to give my all at everything I did. it wasn't enough for me to just be talented in certain areas of my life, my goal is to be as well rounded as I can possibly be. As I got older I wasn't satisfied with just doing enough. Like I said earlier I have alway knew I had greatness in me, but potential without action and preparation leads to failure. While I was in college I stayed on the Deans list for three semesters in a row, I finished my last semester with 3.994 GPA and I graduated with honors. This was the first time I had ever accomplished a goal like this. I always had it in me but i never wanted to do the work. When I decided that just doing enough wasn't good enough I started to grow into my greatness. College gave me tools that i will be able to use for the rest of my life. When life gets hard or things are not going right with my business I pick up my degree that I got from Medgar Evers College and I hold it in my hands, I touch it and I think about what it took to get it. During that degree program I had some low days, I wasn't always on the deans list. The semester previous of me getting a 3.5 GPA I had 2.44 GPA and I was about to get kicked out of the Social Work program because I didn't meet the GPA requirement. Change came for me at the brink of disaster but when my back was against the wall I was able to react and respond with greatness.

So as I'm writing this I realize I did the same thing with my company. When I started I was all over the place. I had all of this passion and energy and i wanted the world to hear my voice and hear my message. So I started my Blog on Koolforlife.com, then I started a T-shirt line the summer of 2014. Since then I have been inspiring people all over the world with the Koolforlife. My goal was to create a platform that brought people together through Love, Spirit and Unity. The goal was for me to create a company that inspires people all over the world and reminds people of the greatness that lies inside of them. I was able to do that, I have got help form writers all over the world. My community has embraced my movement and has supported me. Everything that I wanted to do I am doing. At the end of last summer I started working on my clothing line. I created four pieces and I will create four more pieces for women in the next couple of months. My goal is for my clothing line to drop the first week of September of 2017. So I have a lot of work to do. So lets get back to what I have learned about creating success. 

Well first once you start feeling like you know everything and you have it al figured out please just be prepared to fall on your face. When I was growing up I use to say that my greatest fear was failing. But in the business world failing is a doorway to succeeding. The only way you learn in business is by really doing what you love. Don't get me wrong you will need to study your craft and it will take a lot of work regardless of how talented you think you are. But experience beats out book smarts every time. But if you have experience plus book smarts you will win every time. So a lot of my failure has come with me just winging it and not having a clear cut plan. Although my company is amazing and it will change the world for the better I still have to put the work in. That means I have to be organized, I have to have a strategy, and I have to make sure that I am working on myself everyday. I am not where i want to be because I am not ready for the success I am asking the universe for. I'm not ready because I just started taking full accountability over my reality. I'm still learning to be more grateful and thankful for the things that I already have. I am still learning that I will not get anything that I ask for because my Creator gave me all the tools needed for me to manifest anything on this planet. in the journey of me working toward accomplishing my goals I have learned that creating my success has nothing to do with the amount of money I have, how good my credit is or who I personally know. I create my success by believing in myself. By learning how to quiet my thoughts and consistently connecting more to spirit and the spirits around me. I will create the success I want when I abolish my ego and remember that my purpose exceeds my actual being. Although I will get to enjoy what I manifest the reason I came to this planet was to help make it better and connect billions of people to their spirit. The Human race has lost its way and it will take people like myself to help remind us of our greatness. We have been trained to believe that we are better off by ourself, but that thought goes against our Divine nature. The spirit that allows us to be eternal and live forever is connected to everything that our Creator created. So it is within our nature to connect to other spirits. Until we do that we will never be able to change this world.

I will end this by saying that when I focused on just creating a successful business I found that I wasn't able to do so. When I stoped and made some changes inside myself I found that the answers that I seek came to me easier. When I stop asking and started being grateful and thankful I found that I received more. When I quieted my thoughts I was able to focus more on accomplishing my goals. When I let ego lead me I walked into a brick wall and I didn't succeed at any of my goals. Now I wake up before the sun rises everyday. I keep a daily journal so that I can pay more attention to my though patterns. I make sure I thank the Universe and Spirit for everything that I have and everything that I will receive. I Use to let negative thoughts mess my day up, now I combat those negativity thoughts with positivity. I realize that living in the past or the future doesn't create success. Success is crested in this very moment. I wasn't ready for what I was asking the Universe for, so now instead of asking I manifest. In the process of manifesting I make sure i stay in the moment. I wrote a business plan, I have a list of things that I need to do. I am in the process of getting more organized. I have learned to be patient, wait for your sweet spot and know that as long as you believe so everything will work out as planned. When I let go of what I thought I had control over and I got back to being happy, grateful and thankful all the doors that I wanted to get into magically opened up for me. I spent my whole life looking for a treasure that I was standing on the whole time. Everything that you need and you think you need is inside of you. If you want it then manifest it. If you can't manifest what you want then you really don't want it. I believe in myself under all circumstances and I will accomplish all the goals I create for myself. I believe in you too and if your reading this me and you are one of the same. It doesn't matter what happened already, everyday you have an opportunity to start over and you can change your whole life by changing the thoughts in your head. I pray this blog inspires you and reminds you of the greatness that lies inside of you. Remember that you should perceive everything and I mean everything that happens to you as a lesson and a blessing. The bad days are reminders that you are always learning and working toward your perfection. The good days are blessings that should be locked up in your eternal memory bank. When you perceive life through that lens everyday becomes a good day.