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Goodbye 2016

This has been the best year of my life.

I set a certain number of my goals for myself and I accomplished all my goals. The first was for me to graduate and walk at the Barclay's. My second goal was for me to start my clothing line and create the first samples, and I did that. My third goal was for me to build my brand. This process wasn't easy, and I share my spirit with the world in hopes that I inspire people to be their best self. So I made more friends on social media, I pushed my KoolforLife movement throughout my city and every place I went this year. When I went to Dominican Republic I passed out Koolforlife cards and I pushed the brand. When I went to Washington DC for Howard University's Homecoming, I pushed my brand and saw thousands of young people living out their dreams as well. My visit to Howard was the first time, outside attending Medgar Evers College, where I saw over ten thousand people that looked like me working together in synergy to bring their dreams to life. Going to Howard's Homecoming showed me what my dream would be like when it comes into fruition.

I created Koolforlife Inc to bring people together through love and respect. I created Koolforlife to bring people together through spirit and use that unity to spread love and shift consciousness. Also, to use that unity to help change this world for the better. Our generation is becoming slaves because we are disconnected as a race. An injustice to one of us should be an injustice to all of us. We will continue to be oppressed until wake up and start looking out for one another. So that is why I created KoolforLife.  Because this generation lacks leadership, because the powers that be have killed off all our great leaders in hopes of scaring millions of people to not stand up for what we know is right. Remember this, if you're a person of color, you descend from Kings and Queens. Your destiny is not defined through the 500 years of oppression and pain our people have dealt with. That was just a small piece in such a bigger puzzle. If you're a person of color, your history goes back millions of years. Our people created civilization and the entire world's population. Every ethnicity that exists was derived off our DNA. It seems like we have forgotten our greatness, so I shall remind you. 


I know I'm suppose to be talking about my year but I will get back to that. I created my company because I felt something needed to be done to help change this world for the better. So Koolforlife started out as a blog site. The goal was to inspire people through positive word. Then I started doing speeches in my school and speaking more in class. Then I created a t-shirt line and I kept writing blogs and speaking in front of people. Then I decided to create a clothing line that had dope pieces but also brought people together through love. You see fashion is a form of expression and I got something to say. Hate will continue to destroy the world and Love will save it. 


In 2017 I want to focus on a healthy eating initiative to help our youth understand good eating and the biology of their body. I have studied Dr. Sebi's way of eating and taking care of the body and it doesn't add up to how our youth are taking are of their bodies. We live in a world where people have forgotten how to use herbs and spices to heal themselves through spirit. Every disease or germ that was created by Mother Earth has a cure for it. To be honest you can cure anything with the right belief and know how. This society teaches you the complete opposite, every time we get sick we take some type of man made medication that doesn't help your body get strong, it only makes you weaker in the long hall. I don't get flu shots and I don't get the the flu. I don't take any medication for my immune system, actually speaking I don't get sick. I have Skin Lupus and I don't take any medication for it. I use a holistic way of healing now and it's working. I am able to maintain my weight. I still have the same energy I had when I was young. I'm very healthy and I'm very grateful for my body because it is very good to me and I am good to it. I don't eat pork, I don't eat dairy products and I don't eat beef either. I eat a lot of vegetables and plants, I drink a lot of water and I do my best to stay away from artificial foods. I don't like soda, I don't drink juice drinks and I don't consume a lot of salt. I work out and I still eat fish. I think if a lot of the kids knew the downside of not eating healthy, they would not eat the way they do. They would not eat meat and pork because they would realize that it wasn't meant for our bodies. Our bodies are electricity based. Artificial food, pork and beef don't belong in your body. When you eat food that's alive, you stay healthy and live longer. When you consistently eat foods that are dead then you stay unhealthy, and you consistently will get sick and will die way before you are suppose to. You don't have to take my words for what I'm saying, do your own research and see for yourself. Disease is derived through three factors, Stress, mucus, and eating foods that are dead and don't have life in them. I share this information because it saddens me to see how our youth is treating their body.


I have a bachelors in Social Work and I'm going back to school to get my Masters. I want to create programs that allow young people to start dealing with their mental issues. A lot of young people are dealing with anxiety, depression, a lot of young people are not getting the love they are supposed to be getting. A lot of young people have been through a lot of stuff. Broken family structure, poverty stricken communities where the police kill other young kids that look like them. Gentrification has lead to a lot families getting priced out of their community because the rent is so high that it's like your paying a mortgage but you live in an apartment. So this puts more stress and weight on the patents and then the parents put more stress on the kids and the kids take their stress out on other kids in the community and you see where the story goes. Poverty can be passed down just like wealth. You pass on poverty through raising kids in a community that lacks structure in the home and the school. The schoolslack resources and the their are not a lot of opportunities in the community. If the family structure is broken then all of this weight is on one person. Then you have adults that went through traumatic situations in their childhood and never got help so they are living on the edge and passing on the same bad habits that their parents passed on to them to their children. You see you can only do better, if you know better.


I talked about a lot but I'm just scratching the surface. I share my spirit in hopes that I challenge the reader to be their best self and to step outside of their comfort zone because that's where the growth happens. The reason I am able to talk about these issues because I learned from the people that came before me. The goal is for this generation to be better then the last. And although we are evolving as a race we have a long way to go.

Technology is becoming more complex, we walk around with small computers in our pockets. We can go back and forth into out of space. We build amazing buildings, we even know how to clown people. But as a race, we have not evolved. We have forgotten what makes the world spin which is love, connecting through spirit. We consistently disrespect Mother Nature. We live in a society that makes trillions of dollars off people who live in fear. Hate is destroying the world.

We really have to wake up and remember our greatness. We are all connected through spirit and injustice to one of us should be an injustice to all of us. Look at all the beautiful achievements, we have completed when we worked together, look at the world and all the beauty we have created together. Human beings can be divine and at the same time be our greatest downfall. I'm going to end this by saying to all my Brothers and Sisters remember your greatness. The 500 years of pain and oppression only showed the rest of the world how strong and resilient we are. Our history goes back millions of years. Our Ancestors created society and introduced the world to magic, we come from decedents of Kings and Queens. We were not sent to this planet to be saved we were sent to this planet to save it. We only get oppressed because we choose not to stay connected as a race so this is the consequences that come along with being disconnected. I speak as a divine entity that knows my greatness. My spirit is eternal and I was sent to this planet to make it better. People of color created the entire human race, our DNA is responsible for every ethnicity that exist and if we woke up, came together through love, spirit and respect we could change this world for the better. The last time we all came together in large numbers was the Civil Rights Movement, we convinced an entire country to provide us with the resources, laws and opportunities so our people could thrive. In our efforts of fighting for equality we created opportunity for all immigrants and other citizens that were being denied their constitutional rights. Imagine what would happen if we came together again. It's reason why they killed off all our leaders inthe 1960's. There's a reason why they flooded our communities with drugs and guns. There's a reason why over 2 million people of color are incarcerated and end up being in the demographic of the new Jim Crow. Where after you get convicted of a crime you lose the constitutional rights our ancestors gave their lives for us to get. Millions of people died so we could have the rights and opportunities we currently have. People of color can never fall from grace, we were created in God's image and we all have a piece of eternity in us. Our fallen ancestors are just seeds, the millions of people that have died for us to be here are just seeds. The thousands of young men and women that have been killed by police are gun violence are seeds. The earth is our garden and we will create enough resources for all. Don't let the death and the sacrifice of your Brothers and Sisters be in vain.