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I Think God is a Woman

Originally published January 30, 2017

So I looked up the definition of Feminism, and it said its a collection of movements and ideologies aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal rights for women. I don't know what made me look up that definition, I think it was the fact that I just watched Serena Williams play against her sister in the Australian open finals, and she won her 23rd major. I have been watching the Williams sister's for over two decades and they inspire me to want to be great and use my greatness as a tool to inspire others. I remember a few years ago Venus used her notoriety to fight for women getting payed the same as men for their tennis matches. With a lot of support and hard work her goal was accomplished and Women got paid the same as men in the tennis world. It makes you wonder why Women ever had to fight for equal rights and pay anyways. It makes me wonder why in this society we call our women Bitches, we disrespect our women. We hit and we hurt our women. Why has society worked so hard to make women feel inferior. Like the saying you hit like a girl, or you throw like a girl. The perception for some men are that women are not as strong as men or women can't do the same things as men. We have even been convinced that God is a man. One of the worst stories I have ever read was the Adam and Eve Story. If you never heard the story Adam and Eve was suppose to be the first two people that God created. In this fictional story Adam was created first by God and then used one of Adams ribs to create Eve. Adam and Eve were able to enjoy all the beautiful wonders that the earth had to offer but it was this one tree called the tree of life that they both were forbidden from eating from this tree. So one day a snake came and convinced Eve to convince Adam to eat the apple. Now remember that God told Adam and Eve that they couldn't eat the apple from that tree or they would suffer grave consequences. So eventually Eve convinces Adam to eat the apple. Once Adam and Eve eat the apple that was when sin was created. Both Adam and Eve was kicked out the Garden. Basically that was the end of man kind. Because before eating the apple Adam and Eve only knew how beautiful and amazing life was. After they eat the apple they got to experience the other side of life where you died and felt pain. Why I hate this story is basically the bible is trying to say women are responsible for why mankind experiences sin and goes through the pain that we go through. I think the story of Adam and Eve gives off the perspective that women are manipulative and make men do things that they shouldn't do. I disagree with that whole notion.  

I think the reason why society tries so hard to control and manipulate women is because a lot of men in this world are scared of how powerful women really are. You see I think that God is a women because look how beautiful this world and universe is. Look at the beauty of the stars in the sky, look at the beauty of earth and all that it allows us to do on this planet. God created a sun and a moon. Look at the human body and how it was created, look at how beautiful mother nature is. All of these things I mentioned sounds like it has a touch only a women can provide. History has taught us what men do with power, we exploit and oppress people. Millions of people have died in the name of power and territory due to ignorance. Men seem to lose sight of the big picture and only focus on winning instead of whats best for the Human Race. Society has never convinced me to think anything about women because I was raised by a strong Black women from the south that took me in when nobody else would. I saw the strength of my great grandmother growing up,  and in my eyes women have always been equal to men. to be honest I think that women are stronger then men because they give us life. They carry us for nine month and then push us out of their vagina. Then they raise and nurture us until we are able to take care of ourselves. I know some men are like what, ain't know women stronger then me but ladies forgive those men and remember that you can only do better when you know better. The struggles that women go through can only be matched by the struggles people of color go through. Over 500 years have been spent on oppressing, exploiting and holding down both people of color and the entire women demographic. Lets remember that without women we wouldn't exist so how about we start respecting our women. We all have mothers, sisters, aunt's, cousins that we want to be respected and valued. But we can't just respect certain women in our family and disrespect other women outside. We have to respect all women and we have to create a culture of young men respecting young women. We as men have to stop abusing our women, we have to stop verbally disrespecting our women we have to get back to a culture of respecting our women.

In order to change the culture of how we treat our women it also has to start with women taking better care of themselves mentally, physically, and spiritually. Society has created a mindset of artificial beauty that can be purchased with the right amount of money. Women have to get back to owning their worth and not settling or waiting around to be defined by anybody but themselves. It's nothing wrong with expressing your sexuality but also have some respect for yourselves at the same time. Walking around half naked with another persons hair in your head doesn't make you beautiful. Spending ten thousand dollars on getting bigger breast or getting a bigger booty doesn't make you beautiful. Wearing makeup to make you lighter when your really a darker complexion doesn't make you beautiful. Using your body for financial gain doesn't make you beautiful. Letting men disrespect your worth isn't beautiful. Like I said I think God is a women so that means all women should act as if their gods as well. I'm not saying be perfect, I'm not saying don't express your sexuality, what I'm saying is live in a respectful manner so you can always demand respect. Having a high self-esteem is built through having great parents, respecting yourself and others. Having an open mind, not judging people and never getting comfortable in your comfort zone. Great women are not born over night, take my Aunt for example, she has two masters degrees, she's a beautiful mother that respects herself. She has been a teacher for over thirteen years and this year is her first year as being an assistant principle for one of the best public schools in the United Sates. My Aunt is super intelligent, she worked her ass off to get everything that she has and she didn't take any short cuts. she had a mother and father that believed in her and pushed her to be her best self. She believed in her self and she is doing great things. My point in sharing that story is any women can be great you just have to work toward it. I know that it's many women that come from broken family structures, don't have the proper support and resources to do the things they want to do. I know that their are a lot of single mothers that didn't sign up for being single mothers. I know its a lot of women that are getting abused physically and mentally. I know it's a lot of women in this world that are still fighting for equal rights and equal pay. I know that this society we live in does everything in their power to make it seem like men are stronger then women. I also know that no matter how much adversity women go through like the late Great Mya Angelo said you shall rise. I just want you to know that I see your pain Queen and things will get better. I thank every women that looked adversity in the face with a smile and found a way to bring their dreams to life and be a great mother. Shout out to all my single mothers that went to work during the day and then went to school at night to create a better life for their children. Shout out to all the women that have been support systems for men that didn't appreciate and understand what they had. Shout out to all the women that support their significant other through thick and then. Shout out to all the women in this world that won't take no for an answer. Shout out to all the women that got their hearts broken but still believe in the power of love.

I look at it like this, if women magically disappear so do men. So all their problems should be our problems. We need to create a culture of men that respect and support women. We need to create a culture where men don't abuse women. We need to create a culture where men stand up and fight for women. It shouldn't be a Feminist movement or a Black lives matter movement, how about we all come together and fight for each other. You know that the government and the people that are controlling the world would rather we continue to have separate movements where the men fight for the men and the women fight for the women but thats how both men and women are being controlled. We need to fight for each other and we need to stick together. One day I want to have two daughters and I want them to turn out like Serna and Venus Williams, I want them to live in a world where they get treated equally and respected. I want my daughters to feel like they can do anything because they can. I don't understand why we are still fighting for things like Women's rights or Black lives matter movement but just remember that if it wasn't for my ancestors we wouldn't have the rights we have today and thats for men and women. People died to give their lives so we could have the freedoms and opportunities we currently have today. If our ancestors didn't fight and die for our freedoms I assure you that we wouldn't have them. So we have to do the same, it doesn't matter if we are fighting for Women rights or the Black lives matter movement. If we as a race don't come together to make it better things will only get worst. I'm going to end this blog with the verse from keep your head up, it's a song by 2Pac Shakur that is needed in this day and age. We need to get back to respecting our women and treating them like the Queens they are.

"Some say the blacker the berry, the sweeter the juice

I say the darker the flesh then the deeper the roots

I give a holler to my sisters on welfare

Tupac cares, if don't nobody else care

And uhh, I know they like to beat ya down a lot

When you come around the block brothas clown a lot

But please don't cry, dry your eyes, never let up

Forgive but don't forget, girl keep your head up

And when he tells you you ain't nothin' don't believe him

And if he can't learn to love you you should leave him

Cause sista you don't need him

And I ain't tryin to gash up, I just call em how I see em

You know it makes me unhappy

When brothas make babies, and leave a young mother to be a pappy

And since we all came from a woman

Got our name from a woman and our game from a woman

I wonder why we take from our women

Why we rape our women, do we hate our women?

I think it's time to kill for our women

Time to heal our women, be real to our women

And if we don't we'll have a race of babies

That will hate the ladies, that make the babies

And since a man can't make one

He has no right to tell a woman when and where to create one

So will the real men get up

I know you're fed up ladies, but you gotta keep your head up"