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Looking Good, Feeling Great


When I started the IRIE SOUL blog and instagram @irie.soul, I didn't have a plan.  I don't even know what actually made me do it, but it has evolved organically and is continuing to grow today.  It started as a blog, a way to document and share all the new things I was learning.  From meditation, to the ego, my introduction to the chakras, detoxifying my body, to mindful and healthy eating.  Now I am using it as a way to connect with the universe, spreading my ideals of conscious living, self love and self care.  I am passionate about changing the world, by pushing people to shift their consciousness, to come together again as a community, to respect one another and the entire planet.

Being introduced to meditation through my practice of yoga literally changed my life.  Meditation and yoga helped me to connect with that voice inside that I believe to be my highest self and I want to share this practice with as many people as possible.  It forced me to look at my life and realize that it was not one I wanted to be living for the another 30 years.  I looked around and realized how much my EGO was ruling me.  I was identifying myself by my appearance, my job and my relationships all the while ignoring the relationship that matters most, the one with myself.  I also became more conscious and aware of what was going on all around the world and the more I learned, the more I wanted to do something, so I did.

I completed a certificate in Meditation Facilitation through the Naturality Path, in Toronto, with a goal to introduce meditation to as many people as possible.  Naturality Path's main principle is that every individual should live according to their own innate nature as we are all unique and should embrace that individuality.  I have also completed a certificate in Life Coaching through the Center Of Applied Neuroscience, also in, Toronto.  This course combined a study of neuroscience: how the brain works and is programmed, with a practice of mindfulness as a means to understand, support and coach others.

I refer to myself as a "Conscious Lifestyle Coach" as I want to work with individuals on becoming more conscious and aware of themselves like I have.  Becoming conscious of their thoughts, feelings and beliefs in relation to the energy and vibrations they put out.  Also, being conscious of their health, of the foods they put into their bodies and their overall wellness, self-love and self-care.  Being conscious and aware of all these things is so important as they are all connected and will lead us to our life purpose.  Our thoughts and feelings are directly related to our health and well-being.  I believe in the universe; synchronicities, the idea that nothing happens "by chance", and that we are each responsible for the circumstances and events through out our lives.  I believe in this through the power of the law of attraction and the idea that everything is energy.  Where our attention goes the energy from the universe will flow.  We are the creators of our life experience and we have the power to change anything that we desire in life as long as we focus our energy in the right way.

Just like our mind, body and soul are connected so are we to nature, to the wildlife and the entire universe.  The same way I want to help people wakeup and become aware of themselves, we need to raise the vibration and consciousness around the globe if it to persevere for generations to come.  How do we do that? By beginning with ourselves and coming together, living together, supporting one another with that sense of community.  I will continue to work one on one with individuals but also to bring like minded people together through workshops and retreats to rebuild that sense of community and connectedness with nature.

Namaste, Love & Light!

Stacy a.k.a IRIE SOUL

Many thanks to Stacy for guest writing for the KoolforLife blog. Be sure to visit her blog at www.iriesoul.com and follow on instagram @irie.soul