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What is Now?

By Caelan Figueroa

       July 30, 2015. What is the importance of a date? A date marks a particular point in time. If time is a man-made construct, then what purpose does it serve? Do you consider it to be a positive entity? This concept has too long parted our minds from the idea of Now.

What is Now? Now is the moment where you can be anything; where your spirit is infinite, where your mind is free. In fact, Now is not Now at all. Now is the past, present, and future. Now is all things. Now is the universe in its entirety. Now is the very essence of creation. Now is the beginning of time as well as the end of time. Now is where we come from, sweet souls. Now is infinity.

There was never any absolute genesis to creation, because that is Now. That is all there ever was, all there ever will be. It all simply happened and is happening right Now.

This reality, this dimension is a figment of Now, just as all others. Death cannot exist because everything will always and forever exist in this unmeasurable Now. Don’t you see how you are infinite?

When you are weary on the past an anxious of the future, remember that all of these things exist Now. You have the ability to give it power or to let it wither.

If a man’s’ idea of God happened long ago, then it is just as soon happening right Now. We cannot forget this. Look within yourself, you are God. Access that Now. Whoever you believe in, whoever your God is, they are also you; they exist Now. Dangerous idea isn’t it? It is also the Truth.

There is a power, a burning flame that resides in all beings. It has the ability to bend matter, defy gravity, and hold consciousness. It is the ability to endlessly love yourself and others. It has the ability to change the world. And it is all happening right Now.